A weekend of food (mis)adventures

It’s been a while since I blogged, so firstly, I apologise for that. No good excuses really, just work and it’s just not felt right to write about food in light of the current crisis. I guess I’ve overcome that, because here’s another blog post.  Last night two of my friends came over for dinner…

Eating while watching the news

Tonight’s food blog comes with more than a tinge of discomfort. I ate my delicious supper while watching a report on C4news about the rising levels of homelessness in the UK. The govt cuts have led to job losses amongst other things. We see not only those forced out of the private renting sector due…

One pan supper

It’s been a while since I posted. Work has been very busy and I’ve been collapsing into a heap when I get home. Food has still featured of course. There was a not very good (Quorn) sausage with lentils, asparagus pizza (see previous entry) and a pretty good white pudding supper courtesy of nearby chippie….